
Use of Secureye CCTV cameras in preventing crime

A lot of us may question the value of CCTV cameras installed on almost every corner of the road. But if the questioners take a good look at the crime reports about car theft and traffic control and shopliftingthey would quickly realize the value of the surveillance system.
 No matter how civilized the society is, there will always be some anti-social elements that need to be watched and corrected. The task is not an easy one without an effective surveillance system.  Policing public morale has become quite easy after the introduction of CCTV systems.
 Prevention of SHOPLIFTING has reduced drastically after the cameras were mounted in the mall.  The mall is filled with the item worth cores of rupees and if not watched well items can be lost some or the other day.  No one knows which one of the buyers is going to think something foolish. Surveillance system works without a toilet break, without a lunch break, unlike humans. That is what makes a shoplifter’s work very difficult and shop owners easy.  Even when you are resting back at home shoplifters are thinking about how to break into and disappear with your goods forever. It is impossible to prevent all such antisocial activities completely.  Mounting CCTV cameras help though.
How many stories do we read in the newspapers every day of the accidents on the road?  Most of those unfortunate accidents are not taking place because the police is not doing its job, but rather because people are not being watched. The traffic rules violation was a very common phenomenon until late when CCTV cameras were mounted to keep eye on such antisocial elements.
Moreover, it is its cost-effectiveness that won customers all over the world. If a new department is formed in order to prevent things such as burglary and assault and other public orders, it would cost a lot. It is a far better idea to mount Secureye CCTV Cameras on the places it is required. It is not very hard, then, to reduce the number of car thefts and other crimes that otherwise would have taken place.