Issues users face after they deployed cloud biometrics

Despite a host of issues with the cloud technology, it managed to win public confidence in its potential. The cloud technology transformed and helped grow many other technologies along the way. One of such technologies is biometrics attendance management.  The days of simple biometric machines with a static IP are over. Now the exceptional properties of cloud biometrics are sending shockwaves across the sectors of the market.  Properties like tremendous scalability, flexibility and very low cost are making mouth of all the businessmen water to leverage the unbounded computational resources of this clocking system.
Both the technologies are mutually beneficial and complementary in achieving a way more reliable authentication in managing employees.  After a long chorus of cloud biometric being a threat, it gradually and slowly made inroads into everybody’s life.  And the crowd of experts and executives who have been dismissive of it before now fell in love with it.
Our biometric machines had been in the market for quite a long time, over a decade. We decided to do a series of posts with the intention to help our users to deal with the issues they face with the technology. Now it was tough to dig into this area. Nevertheless, we can always invite our head of the customer service department to contribute a post about how to deal with day to day problems any cloud biometrics user face.
How can there be any technology without any issues! Issues our users face during installation and later during its use. One of the many problems a confused customer rings our phone off the hook is that the machine is not downloading the reports of attendance to his/her personal computer.
Where ever on the planet the biometric machine sis installed, if you have not filled in it the IP address of your personal computer, the autodownloader (supporting software which comes with Ontime software) will not start.  In case you forgot to fill in the IP address, the machine will be connected to your PC, of course. Only its supporting software will not fetch you the reports from the biometric system to your central PC.
A lot of us don't know how to get an IP address of our personal computer. Go to Google Search bar and type in what is my IP? You will get it in an instant. Look at the screen shot below.

How to connect software with the biometric machines?

There are many brands that are providing biometric products worldwide. The products have a lot in common in terms of their installation process, in terms of connecting hardware to the software. After a few training sessions, one would realize that from the delivery of the machines to employee enrolments, the processes are similar at large.
At Secureye, we believe in helping our users and the users using biometric products from other competing brands. We receive hundreds of calls every day asking us to guide through the installation, configuration, and enrolment processes. We sat together and decided to do a post educating the users on how to fix things on their own.

 The first question, when we pick up the phone in our customer cell, we face is how to connect the Biometric Machines with the software.
Our (Secureye’s) process differs a bit from the other biometric configuration processes. As we know the best of our process, let's show you how to.
 Step 1: Open the package and install the hardware first. Then fetch out a disc with the name "Onetime Software."
The software is stored in the disc. Install it on your computer screen.
Step 2:  Open the software by double-clicking on the folder as shown in the following snapshots.
Step 3:  Go to Device setting. Click on the "device."
Step 4:  As soon as you click on "device", device master opens.  The device master requires some general information and communication information. The box with a red star is mandatory details to fill in.
The pop up also has a description of each box name. It explains what piece of information needs to fill in. Boxes like code, IP address category, communication port, and status.

Step 5:
To check the device status is very important. In our software, there are three color bands: green, red, and yellow as you can see in the screenshot below.

After you filled in all the information required, only one of those three bars will appear. If the green bar appears, it means that the connection was successful. Red means connection failed. Yellow means you were offline.
If the red bar appears, go back and check if you filled up all the boxes properly.